
February 12, 2009 Dad died

Well it happened as he wanted. Dad slipped into a deep, hospice assisted, opiate enhanced sleep on Tuesday, 2/12/ and did not really ever awaken again. All his kids and his loving wife were there for the last conversations that evening before he went to sleep. He was a lucky man to get to go this way.

He told us that he wanted us to cary out the funeral plans and burial as per our arrangements and we did. He was pronounced dead at 11:30 and by 6pm we had a little family funeral service at the gravesite. By 6:30 the wake had begun, again, as per his final wishes.

So you see, it happened just as it was supposed to. He died, as he lived, on his terms. I will now be posting comments that relate to the funeral and burial that may be of interest to anyone who chooses to follow a similar path. God bless Dad's memory.

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